Our Projects
We have completed a diverse range of projects that include evaluation and review, support to MEL systems, and fostering learning and innovation in complex systems. We have worked in different areas in agricultural production systems, including technology adoption, strategies for monitoring, learning and evaluation, and impact assessments. A representative selection of our projects is listed below.

Evaluation and review
● Leading a terminal evaluation of the GEF-funded Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition project managed by UNEP
● Led an evaluation of RTB and A4NH contribution to four cases of policy change (2020)
● Led an evaluation of WLE and CCAFS contribution to solar irrigation in India (2020)
● Led a mid-term evaluation of the IOMC Toolbox for Decision Making in Chemicals Management – Phase III managed by UNITAR (2020)
● Led a final evaluation for FAO Office of Evaluation of the EU and FAO-funded project “Capacity Development in Agricultural Innovation Systems” (2019)
● Led a cluster evaluation of three pesticide risk reduction projects in Botswana, Eritrea and Mozambique for FAO-GEF (2019)
● Led an outcome evaluation of WLE outcomes in Ethiopia (2019)
● Led a mid-term evaluation of an icipe-led project to provide youth employment in Ethiopia through establishing honey and silk enterprises (2019)
● Led a learning review for Itad of a World-Bank-led dedicated funding mechanism for indigenous people and local communities (2018)
● Led a mid-term evaluation of an ICIMOD project called “Himalayan Adaptation, Water and Resilience (HI-AWARE) Research on Glacier and Snowpack Dependent River Basins for Improving Livelihoods (2017)
● Led a formative assessment of ICIMOD’s use of theory of change (2016) that resulted in a journal paper (2020)
Support to monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) systems
● Currently advising Teagasc on the inclusion of strengthening outcome evaluation in their MEL system (2021)
● Provided advice to MEL focal points in AIRCA centres culminating in a working paper and the development of MEL strategy for
icipe and ICBA
● Advised CIRAD on their ex-ante impact assessment approach based on using theory of change (2017)
● Advisor and co-author on EU Commission publication “Guidelines: Evaluation of Innovation in Rural Development Programmes – 2014-2020” (2017)
● Developed and wrote guidelines for an M&E system for DFID-funded Policy and Institutions Facility in Nepal, for Itad (2018)
Fostering learning and innovation in complex systems
● Currently leading the work on the development of complexity-aware theory of change to help ensure impact at scale in an MIT-led, BMGF-funded project providing M&E support to a large livelihoods program in India (2021)
● Publication of four journal articles since 2016 on use of theory of change to foster and evaluate innovation in complex settings
● Wrote an invited book review, published by Prometheus, for MIT-published “Innovation: A Doer’s Manifesto” (2018)
● Facilitated several workshops and gave presentations on complexity, M&E, scaling and impact